9Gag TV Module
Organize your website video content into a responsive (Mobile Ready) 9Gag TV Module.
General Information
How our 9Gag TV Module works.
1- Both registered users and visitors can submit videos URLs.
2- Non-registered visitors are required to pass ReCaptcha verification first.
3- Users can optionally add video description, suggested embed code and thumbnail to the post data.
4- After the post is submitted it's held for moderation and email notification is sent to the website Administrator.
5- The system will download the video network thumbnail and create suggested code for the post.
6- Administrator can review and edit the post data before activating the post.
7- The user get notified via email that his post is approved.

get to know more about our services
Plug-in Features
- Responsive Template (Mobile Ready).
- Supports 6 Video Networks.
- Unlimited Channels & Videos.
- Social Sharing & Subscription buttons.
- Internal Comments, Facebook & vK Comments.
- Separate Advertising System.
- Infinite Playlist Scrolling.
- Automatic or Manual Trending posts selection.
- Random or Manual Featured posts selection.
- Registered users & Visitors can post.
- User upload Description, custom thumbnail & embed code.
- Logo Watermark for Thumbnails.
- Posts are held for moderation before being online.
- Email Notification to Administrators for new posts.
- Email Notification to user when his post is approved.
- Multilingual.
- Full Right To Left languages support.
- Internal Search Engine.
- TV Sitemap.
- Auto Facebook Fan Page Posting.
- Mobile Advertising.
How To Order
New customers can simply check the Mobile Module box in Extras page while processing your order.
Current customers need to contact sales : here
Invoice will be manually created in clients area.
After invoice is paid and verified, then download link for your software will appear in clients area.
Support Center
Clients Area
We are ready to be tested.
This demo includes Main Script - Mobile Module - Meme Maker - 9Gag TV Module
Notice: For security purposes , administration functions in Administrator Panel are disabled!
Front End : http://ultimate.best9gagclonescript.com/tv
Admin panel : http://ultimate.best9gagclonescript.com/admin/
Username : Admin
Password : Admin

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