Affiliates System Module
Allow your members to earn money for referring visitors to your website
General Information
That's full explanation about how our affiliate system works.
1- Each user who will join the affiliate will have a referral ID. That ID will be added automatically to there links which will be shared everywhere. Then you'll have 3 options for calculations.
A. Adding referral IDs to all links, which means that user will be able to get points for link he/she will share regardless they are the owner of the post or not.
B. Adding referral IDs to the links of the user own post only. Which means that the user will get points for the visitors coming to his post only.
C. Advanced options : Adding points for other posts views from the new visitor to the others posts.
2- Each user will have his panel that shows his referral points. You can also add points for uploading new posts / page views / voting / being voted / Commenting / being commented (In case you have bought comments module).
3- After the user is eligible for withdrawing funds, a withdrawal option will be automatically activated, then they'll request it from you.
In the administrator panel:
1- You'll be able to view all users in the program.
2- View all points sources (click source / IPs) -> Help you to fight abuse.
3- Withdrawal requests.
4- System overview (Points for the day / Money paid / number of withdrawal requests).

Learn More
Plug-in Features
- Gain thousands of new websites visitors.
- Full statics for both administrator and user.
- Exchange page views with money.
- PayPal & Skrill Payments
How To Order
New customers can simply check the Mobile Module box in Extras page while processing your order.
Current customers need to contact sales : here
Invoice will be manually created in clients area.
After invoice is paid and verified, then download link for your software will appear in clients area.
Support Center
Clients Area
We are ready to be tested.
This demo includes Main Script - Affiliates System Module
Notice: For security purposes , administration functions in Administrator Panel are disabled!
Front End :
Admin panel :
Username : Admin
Password : Admin
Notice: Social Networks Registration are disabled in that demo. Only basic email registration.